
It was a morning of presentations and workshops, including an unexpectedly interesting one about kaleidoscopes. One of the presenters didn't turn up and it transpired that she had gone in error to the Hilton in Milton Keynes instead of the one in Gateshead. :-(

Got home about 5 pm; it was very good to see Mr H again and enjoy some decent cooking (his). Then we went round the back of Arthur's Seat to Duddingston where we met some green people in Dr Neil's beautiful garden. It was years since we'd been in there. They'd even opened the Rev Thomson's curling tower for us to look round inside. We shared some wine and gazed out over the loch, where in the 1790s Raeburn famously painted the minister skating.

Steve turned up later, with some of his m-i-l's cherry vodka but even more importantly the midge repellent, which I had forgotten. Hence we were able to enjoy a wee blether without being eaten.

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