
In Lancaster today, I walked around the City, where I lived for almost seven years in the late 80s/early 90s, taking in sights that were very familiar.  I could have opted for a shot of the Canal,  the new(ish) footbridge over the River Lune, a chap seemingly carrying half a dead body into the now closed prison at the Castle, a mono shot of St George's Quay, some delightful almshouses, or even some graffiti, about the spelling of which I am still undecided.

But I was most struck by this row of houses, with its colourful railings, which I had never before noticed.

Keen-eyed blippers may have noticed (and a few may care) that I have rediscovered the means to post links to Flickr images on Blip. For some reason this is still not possible on my, fairly new, Macbook Pro, but can be done on my nine year old iMac. Strange.

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