
By AnnieBurke1

First Stop.. The Helm!

I left work at 1pm and got the train to St. Pancras, from St. Pancras i got a train to Luton Parkway, and from Luton Parkway I got a bus to the terminal. It took an hour in total, so I was running very early.

I sat in the airport with a new book I brought and waited for the plane. By 6.30pm I had been picked up by Dad, who travelled from his conference in Galway to get me.

We checked into our apartment and headed straight to The Helm for a drink and dinner. Our favourite place in Westport. Unfortunately it was fully booked to stay here this time, so we are staying in The Harbour Mill.

We had a nice evening in The Helm. The food was lovely and it was nice for us to have arrived and have a chat. Before heading back to the apartment we stopped at the Coast Bar for one last drink, and that was us for the night!

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