le papa

- had to park elsewhere last night because of the half marathon road closures. because i was thoughtful and used my hazards while reverse parking, but not thoughtful enough to switch them off again, the car battery was completely flat when we got there this morning. mild panic because we were due to lead the majority of the church service we were going to. rescued by The Dad (not my dad, but The Dad). worth getting a flat battery for.

- good service and some interesting chats with some mostly older folk. overheard people chatting to ss and my favourite was when she was told she had been out in the sun too long. i thought it was only offensive family members who used that line.

- dragon boat races, forgetting my camera and only having enough money for one burger between us.

- popping over to the parents and making up for the half a burger by eating their sunday lunch leftovers. seeing the actual Dad (happy father's day!)

- editing, editing, editing.

- watching the first cut with ss and fangirling all over beth fletcher, artist.

- bed.

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