Proud Weegie

By Shiv

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GP, one of our friends, has just won the Lady's 'Club Champion' cup at our local golf club.  It's within staggering distance for all of us, and gave us a great excuse to join together for a few shandies, a dance, and to celebrate her achievement.

No 1 and her friend (pictured) - recovering from their Prom excesses, came along too.

I grew up in a little village with a Bowling Club and a bus garage.  I often attended dances at the club with my mum and dad.  The music from the Band was cheesey and horrible, but after a few drinks we thought they were great ! I would be up to dance the Alley Cat and the Slosh with the best of them.

Tonight I managed to drag No 1 and her friend up to dance - they were horrified by our 'mum dancing', and insisted on Texting on the dance floor !!! What is the youth of today coming to!!

Here we are in the garden - a few bubbles before we hit the dance floor !

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