
Hello Blipfriends!  Dolly here!  

Today my mum and I had a 'little' disagreement!  It went something like this:

Mum: (At 4pm)  Hey, Dolly!  Let's go for a walk!  Let's go down to the river at Sonning today!  (Maybe we'll see George Clooney!)

Me:  But Mum!  I've seen the weather report and it's supposed to rain heavily at about 6pm!  Maybe even thunder and lightening!  

Mum:  Oh, don't worry about that, I'm sure we'll be home by then.  

Me:  But Mum!  I know what you're like - you'll probably want to have tea and cake at the Lock's tea-garden.  And you'll dawdle along the river, taking lots of pictures of boats.  And you'll talk to lots of people.  I don't think we'll be back before it starts raining!  

So, guess who won THAT debate???  
Oh, and I SHOULD mention that Mum had an umbrella for HER!  Oh yes!  

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