
By tony

Leave a bit on top please!

I think the shearer had a sense of humour - leaving this ewe with a top knot. It's traditional to leave a top knot on Cotswold sheep because hundreds of years ago the cotswold fleece was very valuable and you never sold a cotswold in-fleece but you left a top knot so the purchaser could see the quality of the wool.

Bit of a Rugbyfest today - watched New Zealand v Ireland over breakfast. My wife and daughter have gone to Cheltenham shopping and dropped me off in Bourton so that I could walk the dogs back - we're back and I'm watching Australia v Wales and then later South Africa v England - c'mon England.

Been asked by Adam to help halter train a couple of White Park cattle so that they can be yolked and pull a cart - it's for a BBC series - so it'll probably be weeks of work for a couple of seconds on the screen - training starts on Monday.

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