In comparison to yesterday, today felt miniscule. Basically all I did was sew two curtains. And I took shortcuts with that. And yet this filled the day. (Of course there was a lot of MamTaxi work to do, a certain amount of telling off and, latterly, some baking consultancy work as TallGirl had to (well, wanted to) make some biscuits for her last lesson with the Replacement Music Teacher they all hated, but now love since she's softened up a bit and played them videos of her starring in operas.
The deal was that she would do them all alone, but that proved impossible. But as a reward for my help, I get the flower biscuit pictured above (CarbBoy had the dog's head, and I guess the ponies are for TallGirl) She is currently (10.14pm) in the kitchen still trying to ice the perfect treble clef. Given that she spent most of today at school watching Excalibur (yes, I think it's too rude for 12 year olds too*) I don't think they're taking teaching too seriously, so if she's a bit sleepy tomorrow it won't matter.
In other news, CarbBoy had a grumpy day, I have a new hiding place for the iPad and remote (for when I need to get CarbBoy's attention), long though slightly sad chat with Aunty B, and a chat with Mr B too. Things may have to change round here.
* For those who know her, yes she is 14, but a year ahead of her school year, some of whom are yet to turn 13. They seem to have no control over the movies they watch, but just let kids bring in anything they like. Last year they watched the Hunger Games (which we had already vetoed at home on the grounds that it was too scary - we were right judging by the nightmares she had). I'm thinking of sending in Life of Brian.
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