Our small (car) trailer is overdue for its 2 yearly MOT, commonly called "TÜV" here in Germany but officially "HU" (Hauptuntersuchung). It is carried out by private approved organisations such as TÜV which many may have seen as a symbol on various products. They did have a very good reputation but it did take a knock after the French silicone breast implant scandal although I don't think they were blamed for not detecting the scam.
So set off to the local Deutz tractor dealer who has a weekly visit, on Thursdays, from "Dekra" another test organisation. I had to take it today as this evening the Jeep was left at the garage in Mindelheim that does our car service work, for its annual service on Thursday followed by its MOT on Friday. Could have taken the trailer with the Jeep but organisationally a pain.
For those who are interested in such things while sitting in a traffic jam behind a German registered car. The first letters of the alphabet tell you where the car is registered (city, town or county). Then come two discs - the top one shows when the next MOT test is due - each year has a different colour and the year is also shown in the centre. There is a clock like circle with the numbers 1-12 which show the month which is the one pointing exactly at 12 o'clock. This system allows authorities (police) to see if your MOT is up to date from quite a long distance. The lower disc is from the registration authority to show that your car is registered and insured. It shows the coat of arms of the state you live in and underneath in words the registration city/town/county.
So while at the Deutz dealer just outside Ottobeuren, checked my newly acquired "walking route" map and saw one close by in the forest, I think known as "Hofser Wald". Looked an ideal spot as unlikely we would meet anyone, Flash still somewhat embarrassed by his hairstyling yesterday evening. I am actually getting to like it - he looks a bit sporty even if he could be a shorn sheep.
Turned out to be ideal and took us through the forest to the hamlet of Hofs. Some more helpful hints for visitors. Villages, towns and cities all have the same type of yellow sign on all approach roads. It shows the town name, underneath the parish and on the third line, the county - In the case of a city would only have two lines. These yellow signs always mean a 50 km/h speed limit unless an additional traffic sign is also shown. On leaving the town, you will see the identical sign with a black line through it which then cancels the speed limit.
Hofs is a small village, more a hamlet. The very first building on the right is the voluntary fire brigade station. It's also home to Dr Bulldog who was no doubt at work. Would have liked to see him as I need some help/advice on a possible acquisition of a replacement tractor. I need to think about getting one with around 50hp and am getting fed up with Farmer Franz telling me to get an air-cooled Deutz. So I would need a model 5006 or 5206 if anyone has one to offer at a very cheap price! The Deutz dealer doesn't have anything so small/old.
As already mentioned took the car to the garage in the evening. Angie had driven to Mindelheim station for her commute to Munich in the morning and met me at the garage and we drove home.
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