Becoming what you thought you'd never be
...these little drips forming a big one perhaps! Or, someone who dresses up dogs.
My friend stayed overnight with us on her way to a "Hyperthyroidism and new vaccine protocol" convention for dogs people who treat dogs. She brought my birthday present, fashionably late. Apparently there is now no distinction between me and the dog as the present was in fact for her, not me. It's a knitted dog coat and has poppers and everything and a ribbed collar. She absolutely loves it (keeps her kidneys warm, you need that in June). And no, she hasn't worn it out in the rain, that'd be silly, she'd then have to donate it to a chihuahua.
I really did my back in taking this, but it was OK I was outside the doctors! I know, it looks more like a detention centre for people who dress up dogs!
The answer for dealing with her 'men in hats' aversion? Spot them ahead of her, call her back and distract her with a sausagey treat - hope that works for all of you - especially DreamOnJoJo when she sees a balaclava!
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