#TheLakeClinic #Cambodia

Our local partner, the Lake Clinic, otherwise known as TLC, is a primary healthcare service which is taken by boat to floating villages on the vast Tonlé Sap Lake to the north-west of Cambodia.The have recently been telling us about the 'challenging environment' of the Tonle Sap Lake. 

'With the last days of the dry season and low lake flooding, the water depth is at it's lowest with less than 30 centimeters in some center areas and 15cm on the waterways, making it barely possible for a light fiber boat to navigate, but impossible for a larger wooden one. 
This is a very difficult period for fishermen to live and for the medical teams to reach the floating clinics (here at Moat Khlar), at a time where there is a high rate of sickness caused by oral dehydration and infections from using and drinking the unclean lake water. TLC uses a light boat for the medical and support staff and a larger boat for the equipment and medicines. The larger boat stays behind when it cannot longer float then equipment is shuttled in so that patients can be taken care of.'

Photograph by Patrick Firouzian
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