Coriander flowers, it turns out, are surprisingly pretty. I have, as you can see, given up my battle to stop the plants going to seed as they seem determined only to put out flower stalks after only two leaf stalks. So, let's see if we can get the seeds to ripen....
Despite last night's early night, this morning proved a little difficult and Mr B very kindly allowed me to lie half-comatosed in bed all morning. After sleeping so long, the rest of the day was endured in a slightly dream-like state.
We did get to eat our first peas (though I think they could do with a couple more days) and the sweet peas are blooming away happily. Having big grown up plants like that makes it easier to ignore the weeds too... And no, before you ask, the potatoes still aren't earthed up. I wonder if it's too late now they're in flower....
And tonight back to our old pre-visitors routine of slobbing on the sofa watching too much of a box-set in one sitting. Glee this time. Wondering why on earth I told some friends it was suitable family viewing...
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