Violent Playground

A great end to the school year as Year Four battled Year Five in a water fight on the rooftop playground. Of course, we slaughtered the Year Fives. However, next year I am going to buy my own water pistol. Most of the school's water pistols didn't work. I had to resort to a turtle shaped gun smaller than my palm. When I squirted the kids with that thing they didn't even feel it. Yes; next year this big boy is going armed with a big toy!

After work, more violence as I went to watch Mad Max: Fury Road with a couple of super cool colleagues. The movie was insane, in the very best sense of the word, although Tom Hardy didn't possess one iota of Mel Gibson's intense magnetism. Highly recommended, if you like that kind of thing.

If Mad Max is our future, I guess we taught our kids a valuable lesson in survivalism on the roof today.

Take no prisoners!

Violent Playground - Nitzer Ebb

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