Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

Sunshine on Drymen Gala Day

Hooray! After a week of rain and cold, today turned out fine for Drymen Gala Day, which I'm sure made a huge difference to those taking part and spectating.

I went along to cheer those in the parade: the pipe band, a few vintage cars, the floats. (one of which held the Gala Day Princess) and some on foot in fancy dress. As you can see from the blip, the street wasn't exactly lined with throngs of cheering supporters, but then Drymen is just a wee village. To be honest, I didn't cheer - I only waved to a few familiar faces, and I blipped.

The parade was led by the Strathendrick Pipe Band, who did a fine job. One young lad in the front row is not only out of step with the rest of the band, but appears to be playing one-handed. That's how to get yourself noticed!

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