Journey Through Time

By Sue

Tiger Lily

Besides being the cool name of the cool Indian Princess in Peter Pan, the Tiger Lily is a very cool looking flower.  I went up to the Wildlife Botanical Garden and these were in full bloom, along with a host of other wonderful summertime flowers.  I had no idea these flowers were edible.  The things I learn.  But don't let your cat eat them....they can be toxic to kitties.  Another thing I learned. 
The Tiger Lily has a strong, sweet and distinctively lily smell. Besides producing a stunning spectacle, most parts of this plant are edible. There are two varieties of the Tiger Lily:

The Oriental Variety: Propagates through bulbs that form at leaf axils.
The Common Wildflower Variety: Propagates by tuberous roots.

The Tiger Lily is known by a host of different names in different parts of the world. Some of the synonyms are: Lilium tigrinum, Devil Lily, Kentan, Lilium lancifolium, Leopard Lily, Pine Lily, Lilium catesbaei, Columbia lily, Oregon Lily, Western Wood Lily, Chalice-Cup Lily, Western Red Lily, etc.

I went to the library and also dropped off my movie that I watched this morning.  That seems to be the only time I can see something I want to I watched Paddington Bear.  Very cute how they did that movie.  I enjoyed it.   Now I see that another book is ready for me.  Good grief, I don't have the one I'm reading even half way done.  I'm stacking them up faster than I can read them.  The one I'm reading now, Child 44, is well written and the first book by British author, Tom Rob Smith.  Excellent book and story that takes you deep into post WWII Soviet Russia and makes you very happy that is not the place where you grew up.  It's actually a mystery, but the overall tone is that depressing Russian communism thing. 

Okay, kids...see you later.

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