Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

i-eye Day 20:- Blindsided

I was walking the dog on a gorgeous sunny morning, quite a perfect day and I was in fine fettle.

I looked up to see an old chap walking towards me. The way he walked, the way he held himself, his clothes, everything about him reminded me of my grandad. We said good morning, and even his voice was similar. I was totally blindsided, they came completely out of the blue but there were tears.

Grandad Williams has been gone for 25 years. In that time I have married, moved house twice, had two career changes and then ended up back where I began, had two children, one autism diagnosis, 8 different schools/ college/unis, and all the completely commonplace stuff that goes on in half a lifetime. I am not sure I thought enough of the quiet, utterly well-mannered, gentle man who used to sit peacefully while my Nan lit up the room with her enormous zest for life, in all that time.

Crikey, this feels very self indulgent.

So here is Arthur, showing his fabulous toned chest, along with my Dad, and the beautiful Dorothy, some time in the 1940s, when people still dressed UP to go to the beach.

Enjoy the sun, and give your grannies and grandpas a hug if you are lucky enough to still have them around. If not, happy memories.

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