
By DWBham

No Shortcuts

I'm sure every yogi gets a big kick out of this sign that hangs at the Agha Khan Palace, where Gandhi, his wife, and his secretary were interned from 1942 to 1944 (and where his wife and secretary died). In this context it leads to the back garden where ashes of all three are kept. In the yoga context it means the 8th limb of the 8-limb path, absorption, enlightenment, or "Hurray! You're there!"

Today Geeta reminded us that there are no shortcuts. In a long hold of headstand with variations, Geeta chided us for being eager and willing to do quick bursts of backbends but less prepared to stay upside down for long periods of time. One realizes that nothing but doing it gets you to the point of being able to do it.

Following the hard work of being upside down we had a lovely hour or so of seated Pranayama.

People are already starting to head home or on to other travels, so the practice hall is getting more and more spacious.

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