Time and Tide

Time and tide wait for no man...or woman in this case!

After the weather debacle yesterday the boats were waiting for the seas to calm and were promising just an hours landing on Inner Farne Island if they could. So we were pleased they actually could pull it off and the weather literally changed while we were there to being gloriously sunny if a tad breezy. BUT an hour... doesn't time fly?

Wearing our hats and being dive bombed by the terns protecting their eggs or chicks on the way up the path was one thing but trying to scrabble round far too many people was quite another. All the boats had taken this window of opportunity and it was ridiculously crowded up there.

See my EXTRA shot of Hubs who had a massive photo opportunity - which I think he rather enjoyed! The tern could obviously read and thought he was safer up there than anywhere else!

My heart went out to the puffins: so hard working, yet coming back from the sea with beakfuls of sand eels for their babies in the burrows, only to be robbed by gangs of marauding black-headed gulls. It was actually quite pitiful!

I just loved seeing this little chap in the grasses on the quieter edge of the cliff anxiously watching to make sure his burrow wasn't spotted before he nose-dived in.

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