San Juan

Today is the Saint's Day of San Juan ....last night, on the Eve of San Juan.......along with hundreds, even thousands of others, we headed to the local beach, just before midnight.

Earlier, we had enjoyed a picnic with friends......other groups had their picnics on the beach.

There was music, a bar, and most importantly there was a bonfire....with local Proteción Civil volunteers organising a water pump to control any possible blaze.

At midnight, the bonfire was lit...whoosh!...the flames lighting up the area ....
...... fireworks shot up into the night sky ...
...hundreds of people jumped into the sea....some to swim, most, like us, just to splash about!....
the volume of the music increased!....
.....and everyone had a great time!

When the embers of the bonfire were still glowing red hot, but there were fewer sparks.....this was the time for some 'brave souls' to start jumping over the fire....everyone being loudly encouraged by the crowd!

A true Spanish Fiesta!

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