At a Loss For Words

The neighborhood Post-It artist strikes again.

All these pastel colors brought back memories of those NCR carbonless sets of paper that we used to type on back in the day. White top copy, pale yellow, pink, mint green and blue. The original, and one for me, one for you, one for the guy over there, and one for the archives. And we had tiny bottles of correction fluid in all those colors. It was nasty work to make a typing error--everything had to be taken out of the machine, apply correction fluid artfully enough to avoid unsightly blobs, let it dry (blow on it if you're in a hurry, oh but don't hurry or you'll make another mistake), collate the pages and reinsert perfectly so as to type seamlessly and correct the mistake. I think we were all better typists then, just to avoid the whole messy business. Ah, but so much better than carbon paper!

Today is our 26th anniversary. Yay for us! 

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