Going for gold

5years 247days 

PROUD AS PUNCH today of my little miss. She has had such a fabulous morning at Sports Day. She came out behind her team flag (Russia) proudly waving for the parade lap. She joined in excitedly with every single event and was so proud of herself with her results. And as importantly, she cheered on her team mates so proudly when they were racing/joining in. They all do a series of field events and a set of track events. The field events are designed that the majority of the children can achieve a selection of ranking results, but she had a great haul a medal sticker for each event with golds in goal kick, beanbag toss, standing jump, a silver in tail ball (javelin) and a bronze for running jump. When time for track came, she did a great job. She'd been quite nervous about the sack race "Mama, I need to tell you, I won't do well in the jump in the bag race because I keep falling over" but she didn't fall once! Of her four races, she got gold for the beanbag race and silver for the hurdles. Overall, her team came 5th out of 15 and she coped admirably with not getting the "proper" medals of the top 3. She was thrilled that her Granny and Grandad made it to join us too and beamed for the whole morning.

I've put a few backblips in - we currently have no internet so please excuse our absence! 

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