Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

New rose

The WI, as part of its centenary, has got a centenary rose this year. It is salmon orange with yellow reverse - mine is just beginning to come out.

Started my day on a visit to the local hospital following a safeguarding concern that had come in. Made it back into work mid morning, caught up with some colleagues on important matters then trained 3 new members on the data system, part of our bread and butter.

Half day booked with going away for the weekend, but got delayed in leaving (too much to do in too little time). Then got a call on my mobile that showed as my mums residential home. It was the GP, she said that the staff had been worried about how wobbly mum had been on her feet and the GP thinks she may have had a stroke. She is still able to move her arms and legs, but is a little unsteady, still happy though. The GP suggested a scan to formally diagnose the stroke, however I did not think this would be affective, mum would be distressed with this and there wasn't anything they could do to rectify the situation. We decided that mum would not have a scan but be started on Aspirin and monitored. Fingers crossed she will stabilise and be ok. Telephoned my brother and sister who both agreed with my decision.

Left work, Lili to the vets (for worming) and find out she has an ear infection. Just under £100 later, home and ready to pack for the weekend - ok I went to sleep instead .........

Quick tea (take away), now packing.


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