Lovely Lunch

Mr W did a few more test Drives today. A BMW X3 and 3 Series Estate.
Unfortunately the X3 was 5 years old so a disappointing ride as it was like test driving a second hand car. And the 3 series was an M Sport. Again, not a car we would consider (the sporty bit!) so a bit disappointing. I asked them to get in touch when they have a new X3 in stock and stop wasting our time!!

I then went on to meet these 2 Beauties, otherwise known as Daughter Number 1 (on the left) and Daughter Number 2. We met at a pub DN2 used to work in so was given a nice little discount. All helps on my economy drive! I even cut my own hair today!!! The girls didn't notice until I told them then they fell about laughing!! Mr W hasn't noticed so it cant be that bad!!

When I got home we sat on the loungers drinking cocktails in the sun. Great way to end a great day.


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