
By tepeka


I'll be honest. I'm finding this whole straight-out-of-the-camera week tougher than I thought. 

It's just so, so tempting to give pictures a crafty little edit in Lightroom. This is more of an exercise in self-discipline than I'd realised! 

So far, I've resisted temptation, and I'm now four pics in to my week, so I'm on the downhill slope. Have to say, though, I'm LOVING the whole black and white thing. It's a completely different feeling deliberately shooting mono all the time, and I'll definitely do it again - although next time I'll probably allow myself the luxury of tweaking the pics afterwards. 

It's also had the unexpected spin-off that I've got some really nice mono pics of Mme Tepeka and the two kids. Because I've set the camera to only take mono this week, they're being given the black and white treatment when they normally wouldn't be. I suspect some of the pics from the past few days will be the ones we're still looking at in decades to come.

As for today's blip... we went out for dinner at a Belfast restaurant called Flame to celebrate the end of the school year (frankly, it doesn't take much for us to call it a celebration. Hurrah! It's International Wig Restoration Day! Let's go out to dinner!). Flame is so named because of the big, well, flame that you can see in the pic. Turns out that that's a really effective way of cooking steak. Who knew?

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