
By johnlocke47

Going for the record .

Got my Spanish football[ limited] shirt out ready for Sundays game when Spain try to make football history and become the first country to win 3 major tournaments in a row.It is a change to here in the cafes ,talk of football and not the crisis .
All our friends ask us what the British people thing about the Euro and the Spanish banks.We try not to buy English newspapers but today I took my car into the local garage in Oliva as I had a flat tyre and was told to come back in a hour .So with time to kill a bought a paper and sat outside and had a coffee and read my paper .When I went back for my car,Carlos had changed the tyres around, cheeked all the pressures ,pumped up the flat tyre and cheeked it was O.K.When I asked him how much I owed him he said nada[nothing]as he could not find anything wrong with the tyres. I gave him a tip for a cerveza and got two big bags of oranges back in return.
Things like this and after reading the English paper I know why I live in Spain.Crisis or no crisis .Viva roja.

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