Record high temperatures..

..of 16 deg C, has brought exotic wild animals to Scourie beach. This croc was spotted trying to get back into the water, but still has a little way to go.

Other wild life around today are moles, creating a few new hills on the grass by the vegetables. Midges are also starting to appear!

It's been a grey day, with outbreaks of rain, and low cloud creeping over the hills and through the village, as can be seen on Dukes Mount..

Been researching, and getting quotes for the new polytunnel. I'll be applying for a grant, so have to get two quotes for everything. Also have to keep the suppliers as local as possible.

Just been down the croft and planted the last of the courgette plants, and some yellow Oca that came a month or so ago. They've been in pots and growing on before planting out..

Tonight it's eggs and..

Tomorrow my nephew is starting his trip up to see us. He's cycling from Gloucester, where my eldest brother is, via several historical family locations. Stockton Brook, nr Stoke on Trent, where my mum was born and grew up. Blackpool, where my middle brother is, Dunnoon where my cousin lives and finally Scourie. The whole trip is 750 miles and he hopes to complete it with a couple of days left in the fortnight to relax here..

He's collecting sponsorship for the British Heart Foundation..

I'll keep you updated on his progress..

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