B mused

By becah


....things to look at.

I really should have taken before and after shots, but hey, I'm sure you can all imagine a blank wall. Not to everyone's taste, but I like the eclectic feel of it all.

So, I just realised that it's my 4 year blipday today. This is the first time that I've not really been aware that it was coming and definitely the first time that I've not created a special picture to celebrate. It's been great around here, but the blip mojo has been at the longest all time low ever. I haven't even picked up my 'proper' camera once this year!! Blip is, for me, still all about how fabulous the community is and I`ve 'met' so many lovely people. I've been very bad lately with commenting and I'm sorry about that.

Viva Blip!!

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