
By GloryGlory


A Mum-friend at school is raising money, with two other ladies, for the Winnie Mabaso Foundation in South Africa.

They're doing this by running, between them, the same distance as it would be to run from Glossop to Johannesburg, in one year. Thats 5795 Airmiles. An average of 120 miles per week!

Today she got the school involved. Any child who wanted to donated £2 to spend the afternoon running a mile instead of staying indoors writing! Plenty of kids volunteered! Mums joined in too and yes I ran, and walked, and ran... but I did my mile. Miss B clocked up a mile and a quarter and Master B covered two whole miles! Here he is hot and red faced after his epic effort. Unlike myself and his sister he actually ran 99% of the whole thing.

If you happen to be reading this and would like to donate please do so HERE.

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