An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Smile at Strangers...

...and you might just change a life.     Steve Maraboli

Well my boy, it's a year today since you left school and today you were invited back to the T-4-2 coffee morning run by some of your ex-school pals, who now find themselves at the end of their school careers.

Despite loving your time there, you were reluctant to go and I suspect that's because you no longer see yourself as connected to school, but I am glad I insisted persuaded you, as once you were there it appears you were delighted to see staff members, especially those you were close to.  It was also lovely that Marion and Gill got to see your old school and meet some of the staff, as they've heard so much about it all.

Last year we were on the cusp of a new beginning, wondering what the following 12 months would bring.  I can't deny it's had it's ups and downs for you health wise, but on the whole it has been a great year.   

You now have your amazing team of support workers and really the world is your oyster.  I have enjoyed seeing you grow and mature over the past year, building new relationships and becoming less dependent on your dad and me as your horizons widen and you actively want to get out and about and do stuff, rather than having to be persuaded.

The next year is going to see more major changes in our lives, the first one being the possibility of you having a gastrostomy to help top up your calorie intake as well as provide much needed vitamins and minerals.  I am hoping this will help with your energy levels and the control of your ulcerative colitis.  You seem very keen on the idea so that's good.

Then there's the building work at the house which, fingers crossed, will mean 12 months from now you will have your own hydrotherapy pool so you can swim to your heart's content and not have to rely on dodgy NHS pools that are never working and never have the right equipment to get you in and out safely.  

As part of the work you will also have your own little corner of the garden with raised beds so you can plant stuff and watch it grow, you might even want to grow some of those potatoes that you love eating so much of!!  

Planning permission was granted yesterday so it will be all systems go in the not too distant future.

But first there's France.  Two weeks in the sun (I refuse to even consider the possibility of rain) when all your freckles will appear and for a brief time I will have a glimpse of the little boy you once were, but who has now become a lanky youth. it any wonder that one of your favourite phrases on your eye-gaze communication system is "stop kissing me mum!!!"  :-)))

Another year, another chapter of life's great adventure about to begin.

Bring it on :D


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