Ashleigh Joys Photography

By AshleighJoy


I heard this morning that the supreme court passed same sex marriage in the USA! Why on earth did it take this long? In any case they finally came to their senses as this is just a right of the people just like black rights or women rights. I am very glad about this!

Here is the field today. This year he planted corn!! We are fixin to move again, as this house is just too much of a fixer upper for us now. It was fine before when I had a job and we didnt have the exspences of the baby...but now its different so on the search again. I sure will miss this place though.... :( put alot of effort into this place. The good thing is, we fixed it up enough that the inside looks ok and livable so the owner will not tear it down anymore... so we saved this 103 year old house

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