When You Go, Will You Send Back....
When we left this little village, the houses at the left of the picture weren't built; neither were the ones on the right hand corner.
The village is tucked away over a hill 3 miles outside the town we stay now. I'm sure that some folk in this town, don't even know of it's existance. We thought sleepy, country, small, lovely community, ideal.
It had it's moments. But when we left, I'd had enough, and it was two years before I ventured near it again.
Each year, the village had a gala. The gala would last all week, with events every night, and all weekend, culminating in a evening entertainment on the Saturday night and a Sports Day and Football Match on the Sunday.
M0nday was Disco Night, staggared disco's for littles, then primary schools, then big school. Tuesday was the Pet Show. Wendesday, Beetle Drive, Thursday Treasure Hunt, Friday a talent show..Oh the range of events varied each year.
The best year, both the kids were old enough to take part in all the events. They both disco'd. They entered a cat each, and both cats won. We went out as a family in the car treasure hunt, and drove miles over the Ayrshire coastline.
On the Saturday, appropriately dressed as a Lion and a Duck, they took part in the fancy dress parade, and one First Prize in both their age groups. In the evening, a band played in the park; there was a beer tent, rides for the kids and general good humour all round. Even after the party in the park finished, parties continued in the gardens of houses all the way up the road.
Late on Sunday afternoon, after all the sore head subsided, families would head to the school grounds were the Bowling Club held a Sports Day. Races for everyone. And then for the really sporty - a 5 km race around the village.
Those weeks, and that one week in particular the village came together as one and it was a pleasure to be part of it.
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