Up and Down

Grrreat day. We were taken out for breakfast by Jim and his lovely lady who has had a mixed barkground with dogs but was OK with tiny stuffed ones.

We went to Davenport and had a fab breakfast in front of a roaring log fire altho it was 13 C outside. Auckland folk are a bit more temperature sensitive but from home the local news was Ice, Black Ice, Crashes, Closed roads and a truck full of gas bottles spread over the local landscape. Glad you are NOT here…sorta thing. THC has heaters and the power hasn't gone off so big T will be fine and I do not require walks. After breakie we went exploring and JLL (Jim’s Lovely Lady) spotted this down a side road and the rest is blippable.

The different texture here is because the pic was shot straight into the sun.

General Warning to locals….Tomoro The Bossess is taking The Boss and ME on a TIKI tour…That is a slang term coined years ago apparently by the American tourist industry according to Mrs Wiki. Actually a TIKI is an ornamental Maori carved wooden or greenstone human like figure that was and still is very popular as a souvenir. Probably not all that bad as we have a rental car with GPS (Grrreat for Perpetual Searches) that has a built in register of coffee joints.

So…On with the show.

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