An accidental discovery...

...of a hidden gem!! St Ann's Place, Bath

Headed into Bath this afternoon to visit the 'Festival of Nature' that was being held in Victoria Park. There wasn't an awful lot to see, so after a quick look around, we treated ourselves to an ice cream then took a long walk around the park to counteract those calories!

On the bus journey into Bath, the driver didn't hear me ring the bell, so we ended up getting off the bus a long way from my original destination. But in doing so, I made an accidental, and very pleasant discovery; another of Bath's hidden little gems! This small narrow court is made up of grade 2 listed houses, dating back to 1771. The building at the far end once had a thatched roof and used to be the Royal Oak Pub, closing in 1960. I think I shall forgive the driver for missing my bus stop!!

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