Something for everyone

Treulion ni ychydig o oriau yn Yr Orsaf Bwmpio'r prynhawn yma.  Mae'n enfawr.  Mae llawer o siopau yna yn gwerthu hen bethau.  Gwerthon ni siaced, esgidiau, a phopty maes milwrol. Nawr, byddwn ni gallu coginio caserolau tra ddyn ni'n gwersylla.  Dych chi erioed wedi gwybod beth dych chi'n mynd i ffeindio mewn lle fel hwn.

We spent a few hours this afternoon in The Pumping Station. It is huge. There are many shops there selling antiques. We bought a jacket, boots, and a military field oven. Now, we can cook casseroles while we are camping. You never know what you're going to find in a place like this.

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