Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander


Today was the Eldest's 8th birthday party. She turns 8 on Tuesday, but today was the best day for us to celebrate it with her and her friends. She invited 6 of her friends over, and we had party games, sugar loaded food/drink and the AWESOME cake from yesterday's blip.

Highlight of the party was this game. It is the Chocolate game. All you need is a king sized block of chocolate, knife, fork, dice and some huge clothes to get dressed up in. Whoever throws a six, gets to dress up and try and eat as much chocolate with the knife and fork as possible, before the next six is thrown. This kept them busy for about 40 minutes. It was hilarious.

We also played the Flour game, where you build a pile of flour, and put a Pineapple Lump on the top, and each person takes turns slicing the pile, without dislodging the sweet on top. Whoever collapses it, has to eat the pineapple lump without using their hands. We played right down to our final 2.

We've had a great afternoon. Pretty noisy, but loads of fun. Now to spend an evening in a quiet corner recovering.

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