The Ashes Expedition

It has taken from her cremation last September for us to find a day when all Mr C's family would be available to scatter his mum's ashes where she requested, on the Eildon Hills overlooking her childhood home.

Our two daughters left their children at home with the fathers, but their two cousins decided to bring their children aged from 4-10 for the outing. Our brother-in-law and Mr C's cousin also came. We all met in Bowden village where Lily went to school, then took part of the St Cuthbert's Way towards Melrose, seen here, and climbed to the top of the little hill in the blip.

As we cast the ashes to the wind, one of the children asked me what was going on. I suggested he ask his mum - she decided it was appropriate to bring him, so I thought she could explain!

We then got out of the wind and had a little picnic. I made Gran's favourite chocolate cake so we shared that out - the sugar rush got us done the hill.

It was nice and sunny on the journey south, but by the time we got home the clouds were there. However we are promised summer will come on Tuesday.

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