living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


Seeds on their airborne commute.  Sidenote- it would probably be helpful to look at the word of the day BEFORE taking pictures!

The questions- third year running.  C is Chickpea's answers and M is Monkey's answers.
Last year--

1) What is the meaning of life?
C- Nature.
M- I don't know.

2) What would you like to be when you grow up?
C- A dancer.
M- A witch.

3) What makes you happy?
C- When people sing to me.
M- Sweeties and telly.

4) When do you feel loved?
C- When they cuddle me.

5) If you could have one wish what would it be?
C- To have fairy friends and to be as small as a fairy so nobody else will know I have fairy friends.
M-  A Pirate

6) What is the funniest word?
C- Poo poo word.
M- Willy hay!

7) What is the hardest thing to do?
C- Work all day.
M- Play with windows.

8) What is the easiest thing to do?
C- Eat.
M- Play with me.

9) What is the best thing in the world?
C- Friends.
M- Sandwiches.

10) What is the worst thing in the world?
C- Wind and rain and snow.
M-  Sandwiches.

11) What makes you angry?
C- When people hit me.
M-  When someone hits me and I cry.

12) If you had all the money in the world what would you buy?
C- Every fairy doll.
M- Jellybeans.

13) What does love mean?
C- You like someone
M- I love you.

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