Plus ça change...

By SooB

Like Trumpets Sound

Yesterday's cloudy skies (and welcome cooler weather) were as a dream today, which dawned hot and blue and stayed that way until sundown.

Despite all our sleeping yesterday, it was a drowsy start, with much talk of packing and departure time, but little action other than sipping hot beverages.  Finally in flurry of activity we were off to the airport.  Mr B is back off to the Middle East for more of the same.  We thought we'd have him back in a week, but sadly he has to stay for two and miss the start of our holiday.  The kids took it well, though CarbBoy had a wobble this afternoon.  I think really what is happening is that he is in a constant state of 'near the edgeness' and anything (a disagreement with his friends over the rules of a water fight, for example) pushes him over that edge pretty fast.

Too hot to be outside, even in the shade, so we pulled the curtains and indulged in Notting Hill this afternoon.  CarbBoy tolerated the snogging and enjoyed the humour.  And we all had the chance to get some emotions out there!

And so the last week of school is almost upon us and I have a mountain of admin tasks to get through...

This trumpet flower was planted a few years ago, and this is its first proper flowering year.  We had them in our old house in France and I had quite forgotten how they are always covered in ants.

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