Church on the Hill

Early start this morning as travelling to the north east coast, around three hours away. Stopped off in Turriff for a coffee and scone sitting outdoors in the sun. Nice.

Arrived in Macduff around noon and had a wander round the harbour. It was beautiful as we started off but could see a squall co I g in off the sea. It was too far to get to shelter but noticed a tittle cut out shelter I. The sea wall which was lucky as there was even thunder and a lightening strike. Quickly cleared up and we had a wander to the church on the hill.

Macduff was used to film Stonemouth, which was an adaptation of an Iain Banks novel, recently shown on the BBC. It was cool seeing places that were on the TV.

After that we went the short journey into Banff, looking for somewhere to eat but no luck so bought some sarnies in Tesco and ate them on the sea wall. It was a lovely trip but six hours and a bit in the car am exhausted from sitting!!

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