Model Session

Thank you so much to everyone who commented on my blip yesterday and gave me all those stars and hearts; it was very encouraging and greatly appreciated.

Today was Day 2  of the Portrait Course in London and what a fantastic couple of days it has turned out to be.  I really recommend this to any blipper within a shout of London.  Look on the website of the National Portrait Gallery and sign up.  Great value too.  You don't even have to take a camera as there are some you could use!

I learned a huge amount and was challenged in many ways too, working with a superb tutor who made us look at how a photo was taken regardless of whether we liked it or not.  There were one or two heated discussions along the way!

After yesterday's involvement with the Pride London gathering  we arrived today to a completely cleared Trafalgar Square - no rubbish, no staging, no barriers - almost as if it hadn't happened.  Some poor souls must have been working all night to clear it up.

We were in the studio today learning how to use light meters and set up lights.  We worked in pairs to practice these skills (there were only four of in total) and then after lunch the delightful Roland came as a model.  Again, in pairs, one couple worked with Roland and the other had full lights etc and acted as model for the other.  I have some excellent portraits of Henry (my partner not my cat) and he managed the challenge of getting some acceptable shots of me!

I have plans for some of the images of Roland I took which involves combining and even the use of a mirror, but for today I have selected a shot of Roland (sans T-shirt) and a triplet as an extra; one of Henry also added.

A superb weekend that has given my photography a boost!

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