Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2015 Sunday -- Delight in the Sky

Yesterday we returned from Family Camp on Catalina Island and the sky was gray with overcast and the wind was chilly when we arrive at San Pedro at the Port of Los Angeles. Today the sky was again filled with gray, but there was no chill in the air. Humid and hot best describe this day.

With all the clouds, the sunset was spectacular. I stepped out onto the front porch several times and Mr. Fun accompanied me on one of thoses and captured me in his photo.

This morning we rearranged the furniture in the bedrooms upstairs because our daughter will be moving in her furniture in the next two days. She will live here for the next couple months while we are gone to the Central Coast. Then we're not sure if she will stay beyond that into autumn. She and her husband have been living apart for the past three years. They are still very good friends. He is helping her make this move. We know that he was hoping she would move back into their home, but she is just not ready.

None of their situation makes much sense to me/us. We ask very few questions, but just try to be helpful and available. If Mr. Fun & I had ever separated, I don't think we would have ever gotten back together.

Mr. Fun & I went out to dinner this evening. As we were getting ready to exit after eating, I scooted over to slide out of the booth we were sitting in and I don't know what happened, but in an instant I fell to the hard tile floor. I landed on my right hand and right hip. I am immensely pleased that I did not break my hip. I sure felt stupid though. But now 2+ hours later my hand is giving me terrible pain. I don't think I broke any bones because I have no swelling, but my hand is getting stiffer and stiffer.

That's it for today.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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