as seen

By jankerman


Our travels today took us back over the "Dart Crossing", as soon as we arrived on the north side it started to rain. We were heading for a reunion with an old work colleague and his family (Alan has featured here with his stick making and Willow his daughter on Miller and at past GY Shows ) later in the day. I stupidly thought that due to the weather conditions it would be a quiet run down to the coast at Southend , how wrong! We did get there through the traffic we did walk in the rain from the car park  to view the sea ( well you have to! ) in the rain. The above was the most colourful thing I saw in Southend.
We had the most splendid evening with Alan Allison and Willow and were treated to a splendid Sunday roast dinner at their table.
Got back just before midnight on near empty roads and toll free over the crossing ! A grand day despite the wet and grey ;)

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