butterfly release

This is a cheat blip - actually taken on Monday - of us releasing butterflies with the Bloomers.

I've been a Christian for many a year and was baptised and confirmed earlier in life. But today I was fully dunked, below I've written out the last part of my testimony to kind of record the event and my thoughts.

This year, since the loss of my gorgeous and precious Mummy, my heart has broken and my faith has been challenged like never before. I've had to re-examine my decision to be a Christian, question marks have arisen over my faith and I have searched God. So far, I've concluded that God is good - He has stood by me, strengthened me and upheld me and I know He didn't take my Mum away from me. I still question why healing didn't come for Mum. But I've realised I can live with the stuff I don't understand because Jesus is good. I love Him and I want Him to be king of my life - whether life is good or bad. I know Mum is with Him and I want to stick with Him too so today is me saying Christ is king.

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