
By TBay


These pretty little flowers came in a posy I was given. I have absolutely no idea what they are but they are the best I could do this evening!!

What a beautiful day weatherwise. A day of more tidying and lots more junk extracted from upstairs and thrown out!!  This is quite unlike me, but I have really got the bit between the teeth now! 

Farming - More hay turning. Two out compost hauling. Rust and one on bale hauling . 

Mr Tbay spent quite a lot of the morning woth out computer man , Mr Raz,  installing our new Bt hub to increase the speed of our internet. He also sorted out my phone and my I pad both of which had been giving me a bit of trouble with my updating. It appears the storage is full on both!  I shall hev to de clutter these too. Mind you both are only 16GB so in todays terms quite a small storage facility.

Miss Tbay came to visit and many more wedding jobs done!

Its now late and time for bed!!

PS.   Rabbit update. The little Bl*****s have now polished off all the flowers on my Gazanias.   Grrrrrrrr.   Evil thoughts about bunnies continue....

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