River Braan - Rumbling Bridge

Decided that even though it was raining today Pesky and I would head out blipping (whilst #1 Son stayed in his pit!). Headed up to the hermitage, but theres roadworks on and traffic was backed up, so I took a crazy ivan detour left and ended up at the Rumbling Bridge.

It was raining too hard to get a clear shot from where i wanted (far too much rain spots on the lens) so I did a bit of exploring with Pesky. Had to do a spot of rock climbing to get down to a ledge under a tree where it was dry enough to take a long exposure shot.

Must return when its nice & sunny. If I can get hold of a rope & harness there are some spots on the opposite bank which look like ideal spots.

For a change i've went with the colour version. The B&W is on my flickr site


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