Threave, not thrive.

I'd hate to say it was THE reason for this particular teething run in The Wagon. Ostensibly it was a "shake-down"/ getting to know you trip, during which one of the things we discovered is that the bed is at least as big as our own.
I kinda suspect this might have been another motivation. I/we had choice of Nuthatches, Woodpecker, Chaffinches, an assortment of Tits, etc. to choose from: but this chap/chapess carried the day/vote.
We saw so many, so often, I was beginning to recognise them.... One had a decidedly blonde tail, another dark haunches, variations on with/without ear-tufts and so on.
I don't suppose there's a Squirrologist out there knows if it's age/gender related?
We were there so long I developed, shall we say, a pressing need to make a short exit. I popped out & around the end of the hide and beheld the "Extra photo": who was kind enough to stay put long enough to rattle off a shot or 2.

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