
By wsjohnson

love really is life's reward

And so this is how it is: 

Men, of a certain age, should not listen to the "person to whom they are related to by marriage" when advised "you're never too old to rollerblade"

Not, that is, if they plan on keeping their left wrist in one piece (of course it's still in 'one piece', gingerly yes, but inside that stupid brace, it's in one piece)

Yesterday afternoon, upon leaving the hospital I noticed something rather odd concerning Her reaction to my situation and state of "distress"; for once,

She was "quite amused"

The photos today were taken in the family room, as I'm not allowed to leave the house, by orders of She "who must be obeyed"

Sadly, it's a bit late to be contemplating a "Tammy Wynette"

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