
This little lady man (male banded demoiselle damselfly - just found out) was down by the river this evening. Again, the weeds and grasses were just full of insects.
Someone called me earlier and said that they wanted to speak to me this evening, so I asked them to call between 5:50 and 6:20. I waited and waited, getting a bit frustrated as we were going to take the boys out for a walk. In the end, C went on his own with them, but I really fancied getting out in the fresh air for an hour or so, so was disappointed. I waited until about 7:15 and then walked down to the river (which is only a hop and a skip away) and sat on the bench for 5 minutes to take some photos.
Still no phone call.
I'm a bit cross, as I've been stuck behind a desk all day, and really wanted to get out this evening. Oh well, there's nowt as queer as folk. 
At least I managed to get a few photos.

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