
By snailspace

Better late than never

It was a very busy day today as the weather turned late morning and presented me with  an unexpected drying day. I have been in and out all day, up and down, pegging on and pegging off. This afternoon, at close of work, we shifted some more furniture about. I now have my Kenwood Chef, the microwave and Mr L's coffee machine in temporary homes, plugged in and ready to go. If only I could find the Magimix. 

The weather became so warm today that I  had to turn the Aga off! We hit 18.9 degrees this afternoon. It was still very pleasant after all that furniture moving and having tea. so Mr L wrote his dad's birthday card and we walked out to post it. We took Nell and strolled along the beach in the direction of the post box and I took my little camera along with the intention of photographing large drifts of Thrift..

I did check the battery level before going out and was quite amazed to see it showing full. I should have listened to my instincts as I got about 100 yards out, shot 4 frames... and the thing shut down. Pah! So, no pretty pink flowers today.

When we came home I brought the last of the washing in then sat down to empty my four images from my card. I was about to insert it when the power went off! The UPS lets us down badly. It normally lasts 20 minutes but it shut off after about 60 seconds, leaving us both in a perilous situation. Thankfully when the power came on again I was able to boot up without difficulty.

Investigations into the poor performance of the UPS are ongoing. I offer you my own poor performance whilst that is happening.

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