Once Upon a Lifetime

By Seabreeze

Tropical storm looming on the horizon !

As I was awake at 3.30am , i decided to explore the island soon after dawn . So many changes have taken place here during the two years since my last visit . Very sad to see two of my favourite restaurants near to where I'm staying have been totally gutted and currently under reconstruction. With a storm out at sea , today has been very humid , with little sunshine - but that's how it is during the rainy season out here . You take your chances - but good times are never far away :-)
Tomorrow my sister -in-law will arrive for 10 days , then my son and his girlfriend arrive for my last two weeks on the 11th . My last three days will be silent alone , to reflect on the previous four weeks - or , more likely , to trecover from the previous four weeks ! lol Stay cool in your heatwave everyone and drink plenty of water ! ;-)

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